Brethren there is a best way to live a Godly, joyful, and happy life here on earth. For many years, some people have been seeking for the best way to live their lives. To GOD be the glory an answer has been given to us in the bible. JAMES 1: 19: MY DEAR BRETHREN, TAKE NOTE OF THIS: EVERYONE SHOULD BE QUICK TO LISTEN, SLOW TO SPEAK AND SLOW TO GET ANGRY. The bible had given us a great secret of how to live a peaceful life as CHRISTIANS, as long as we are still on earth we are to maintain that verse so as for us to live a nourishing life. We have to be QUICK TO LISTEN so FOR US TO UNDERSTAND BETTER BEFORE IT BECOMES TO LATE, SLOW TO SPEAK so as to AVOID JUMPING TO CONCLUSION AND JUDGING PEOPLE and finally SLOW TO GET ANGRY to avoid us from COMMITTING SIN FOR THE ANGER OF A MAN THOSE NOT BRING ABOUT THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. HOW GREAT HAS IT BEEN FOR US TO GET THIS GREAT SECRET… Put the scripture in your daily life and see the GREAT PROFIT YOU GET… #CET #AOG
