SPIRITUAL MATURITY DATE: 11TH MARCH, 2016. GENERAL TEXT: 2Corinthians 5:17, Hebrews 6:1-3, 1Corinthians 3:1-3 INTRODUCTION: You are welcome to March vigil. It is my prayer that you will have a new experience today in the name of Jesus. (AMEN). God’s expectation over our lives is that we grow from babyhood to adulthood. However, recent happenings in the body of Christ have shown that, many people are not growing as expected. In view of this, the topic for this month edition of SCOMIN is ‘SPIRITUAL MATURITY’. God bless you as you go deeper in your walk with God. SPIRITUAL MATURITY: WHAT IS IT? 1Corinthians 2 and 3 present three categories of man namely; The Natural, The Carnal and The Spiritual Man. The natural man can only produce human goodness. He has not been rebirth; he is a direct descendant of Adam and cannot experience spiritual maturation. (Isaiah 64:6, Romans 8:8 ). The Spiritual Man is the one who had experience Spiritual rebirth, justified and sanctified. This is where spiritual maturity begins, the man who has been born of the spirit, he bear “the fruit of the spirit”. The Carnal Man struggles to please God. He has a direct link with God, but carnality has taken over the control of his life, so he finds it difficult the experience SPIRITUAL MATURATION (Romans 8:5-8).

According to oxford dictionary, maturity can be described as a state when bodily growth has completed and/or reproduction can begin. Spiritual maturity is a process that begins with salvation, spiritual rebirth (2Corinthians 5:17). If you are not born again, you cannot grow spiritually because it is only those who are born again that has spiritual tendency to grow.

To understand Spiritual Maturity, we need to define the term “MATURE”. Our English word “MATURE” is defined as “a statement of full development”. The word has a special technical meaning. It signifies “an end, a goal, a limit,” and it combine dual ideas; first, the full development of one’s powers; and second, the attainment of some goal or standard- the realization of the proper end of one’s existence. So our word “MATURE” has come to mean complete or full grown, and implies ripeness in character and experience. It is used of the full development of adulthood as compared with immaturity of childhood-1corinthians3:1-3.

Spiritual Maturity is the development of Christ-like character and behavior in the Christian through a renewed mind tested faith- Ephesians 4:13-15, Col. 2:6-7, Hebrews 12:2.

Spiritual Maturity is a process in which people willingly allow the Holy Spirit to control increasingly more of their lives- John 3:6, Galatians 5:16, Romans 8:14.

Spiritual Maturity is the development of a multidimensional growth in the life of a believer. It involves intellectual, physical, spiritual and relational- Luke 2:52, Zach 7:9-10, Romans 12:2.

Spiritual maturity is a radical reordering of one’s priorities, changing over from pleasing self to pleasing GOD and learning to Obey God- Philp. 3:12-14

Spiritual Maturity is a progressive and concerted effort made by a believer, to move from one spiritual level to another-2Peter 1:3-8.

PRACTICAL QUESTIONS  What does it mean to be born of the Spirit?  Are you a natural, spiritual or carnal man?  Look at your life closely, in view of the above explanation; has spiritual maturity taken over your life? CONCLUSION: It is important to know that the most basic thing involved in the Christian life is growth; one’s movement towards maturity. Without this, a Christian life is destined to be dwarfed and inefficient. God’s purpose is to produce disciple who reflect the perfect humanity of His Son, people who are able to react to the exigencies and trials of life in an adult and not in a childish manner-meeting adult situations with adult reactions. As we go through this together, determine to be part of the study. Remember, until you become mature, you are still a spiritual baby. Age has nothing to do with this. Remain Blessed
